Maybe not completely on point with what you’re used to reading here on Empire Ave but Recovery Gear is a large part of my life (and Tim’s) due in part to being old and broken. I’ve spent a bit of time learning about recovery and am still no expert but if anything below can help you surf longer then I’ll take that as a win.

The gear I’ve listed below goes above what you’re most likely doing/using for at the moment – stretching, tiger balm like rubs, Advil, foam rollers, etc. Some of the recovery gear is expensive, some of it is affordable, all of it is really helpful in keeping you sorted to surf tomorrow morning wherever you are – and that’s the goal, right? Surf longer, and at the best ability, you can. Hopefully, this guide lets you discover some new recovery gear that helps or just overall has you looking at recovery differently (instead of sitting on the couch) and gets you surfing longer and more often.

As with all our buying guides, it’s in Australia dollars and runs from most expensive to least. If you have any suggestions to add or feedback on items we’ve included give us a yell.


Pulse 2.0


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Recovery Gear Buyers Guide

The Normatec Recovery Pulse 2.0 is a patented and proven technology that:

  • increases circulation
  • reduces pain and soreness
  • rejuvenates muscles
  • accelerates athlete recovery

Can’t lie, this is expensive AF. Coming in at $2500 is pretty wild (comes with a two-year warranty though), but damn this thing is one of the most amazing pieces of recovery gear I’ve used. Especially for the legs and hips (you need to get the hip piece separately, but it’s so, so worth it).

In layman terms, the system pumps air in/out of the compression object to get the blood flowing, increase circulation and also provide a massage of sorts. If there’s a recovery center like P3 near you, you can go try before you buy. But again, I’ll claim that this is one of the most amazing pieces of recovery gear you can get.

Set up at night, turn on the box (or read a book) and let this thing run for 40 mins at level 7. Your legs will be on clouds when you unzip and start walking, dreamy for those with RLS before bed 🙂




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Recovery Gear Buyers Guide

The Hypervolt is a cordless state-of-the-art vibration massage device that helps relax sore and stiff muscles to improve mobility –

  • Helps relieve muscle soreness and stiffness
  • Improves range of motion
  • Promotes circulation
  • Accelerates warmup and recovery
  • Lightweight, easy-to-use for self-myofascial release

The Hyperice Hypervolt is, essentially, a massage gun. You might have seen some surfers on the Wozzle live stream using these to help warm up their muscles (most notably, Jordy) before heats.

At $600 this still isn’t a cheap option but for what you get it’s definitely more affordable than paying $80 for 7 or 8 massages from someone. This gets even better if you can trade goes on the Hyperice with your partner, then it’s way easier to do your back, shoulders, etc.

I found using this during TV time at night after dinner instead of sitting on the couch the go, but it’s also useful in the morning when going for an early – helps warm everything up.


Duo 2.0


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Recovery Gear Buyers Guide

Power Dot is a Smart Muscle Stimulator which connects via Bluetooth® to a mobile app that controls 10+ electric muscle stimulation programs designed to help you:

  • Recover faster
  • Massage out knots
  • Avoid training fatigue
  • Relieve muscle & joint soreness
  • Increase muscle strength & endurance
  • Increase blood circulation
  • Clinically proven, pain-free, and FDA cleared

The Power Dot is an interesting piece of Recovery Gear that you might not think of using/buying, but I can tell you it’s pretty handy to have. My lower back went on holidays last week and I’ve been using it twice a day to help promote muscle activity and blood flow without going over the top and forcing my lower back to take extended leave.

If you get the Power Dot, get the Duo that way you’ll have two pods to use and can double up on the recovery work – lower back and shoulder, or shoulder and glutes, etc.





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Recovery Gear Buyers Guide

The Venom Back is a cutting-edge, digitally connected, wearable back device that uses heat and vibration to warm up, loosen and relax sore/stiff muscles.

  • Plush neoprene wrap allows you to adjust the fit to your liking
  • Nanotechnology heats the VENOM within 90 seconds
  • 4 1” Vibration pods featuring three different vibration settings
  • Digital touch screen allows customization of temperature, vibration pattern, and time to your preference

This, along with the Power Dot, is sensational for anyone with lower back issues the way it heats up so quickly and gives a soft massage at the same time is great. You can’t really wear this out and about like the Power Dot (you can put that under your clothes if you really need it), but it’s amazing to start the day and get your back loosened up a bit.

At $350 this is a steal for the amount of joy it’s brought me. When I did my lower back a while ago, I used this every morning for an hour for about 3 weeks and my back pain went from a 8 to a 2 when waking up (some could argue time also helped, but I’m claiming this helped a lot too).


Vyper 2.0


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Recovery Gear Buyers Guide

The Vyper 2.0 has 3 speeds of high-intensity vibration and a dual-zone smooth and grooved German engineered exterior. And allows you to warm up, activate and recover faster and more effectively than any other roller.

  • Optimal self-myofascial release tool to increase flexibility, circulation, and reduce muscle soreness
  • 2x more effective than regular foam rolling to warm up and actively recover
  • Increase range of motion by up to 40% (versus 18% with regular foam rolling)
  • Rechargeable lithium-ion batteries give over two hours of use per charge

This was the first piece of recovery gear I bought when I started researching more advanced options beyond stretching and basic foam rollers, etc. Life changing, especially when travelling, for me at the time. I got during a period of hip issues and it helped with recovery/rehab at the time.

$300 ain’t cheap when you can just get a non-vibrating roller for $40, but the benefits far outweigh the cost difference IMO. For people with tight IT Bands, quad issues or hip issues, this thing can really help relieve a lot of the tension/pain in those areas. Again, use it during TV downtime instead of sitting on the couch scrolling…

LEEF Organics

Thrival CBD Extract


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Recovery Gear Buyers Guide

CBD has been going nuts lately, the greatest thing since sliced bread for anything and everything! I can tell you it’s not, and I can tell you that most brands are pretty shite especially around their levels of CBD in products (pens especially). But LEEF is a little different and out of all of the CBD I’ve tried LEEF is the product that actually works (for me) with muscle soreness/pain and overall feeling relaxed (goodbye any anxiety).

Their Thrival CBD formula is created from a whole plant cold pressed fermentation process, which yields the cleanest form of CBD extract possible. This means that LEEF CBD retains all of its nutrients and active compounds (remember that heat destroys nutrients!).

  • Premium quality, lower dose for maximum benefit
  • Organic soil based farming
  • Refined to preserve the integrity of the plant

If you want to learn more about dosage, and what you might need, hit this link. But for LEEF, which comes in a 15ml bottle and says it’s got 375mg of CBD in the bottle, you’re getting (roughly) 25mg per full dropper which is pretty solid.

If you’re in the mood to drop cash, we have a few other buyers guides available for you to look through ::
*Recovery Gear Buyers Guide
*Soft Top Surdboards Buyers Guide
*Surf Watch Buyers Guide    

Alternatively you can pony up and look good while doing it when you buy one of our Surf. Crew jumpers. We’ve only got a few left in Burnout Blue, so be quick if you’re thinking about it.