Billabong has been one of the leading brands in wetsuits innovations for a number of years now. Last year we reviewed their Billabong Furnace Natural, which represented a leap forward in how wetsuits with more sustainable materials can perform. This year, it’s all about their Furnace Comp – what they’re billing as the best balance of warmth and flex. Here’s what they say about the suit:
“The absolute best in heat-retaining wetsuits, the Billabong 3/2 Furnace Comp Chest Zip Full Wetsuit combines sustainable style with performance-enhancing materials into one solid package. Made from premium, lightweight neoprene and Airlite Recycler fabric with added stretch, this men’s long sleeve wetsuit features our exclusive Furnace Graphene, so nothing stands between you and the waves. Engineered with power seams for added durability, this surf essential is finished off with a chest zip for easy access throughout.”
We tested the suit in partnership with Lipped Podcast to see if Billabong delivered on their promise. Here is your Billabong Furnace Comp wetsuit review for 2022…

Airlite 4D
with 20% more stretch
Smart Foam
Partially recycled, premium lightweight
Internal Graphene panels for extra warmth
The Billabong Furnace Comp is for surfers wanting one of the best balances between stretch and warmth on the market. You’re paying close to top dollar for the privilege, but the value is there with Billabong’s warranty and brand name backing it up.
Polar Bears need not apply for the 3/2 option, because while toasty it’s not a mad burner. Still you’d be toasty Sydney and North mid winters, while tough nuts in places like Victoria might make it through the cold stretch if they add boots and a hood into the package. Something like 14-18 degrees C (55-65F) water temp is the Billabong Furnace’s sweet spot.
Like sliding a tea cozy on Grandpa’s prize kettle. This thing is made to curve in all the right spots to keep things steaming. It’s ultra comfortable, has no daggy bits and the entry is straight-forward to navigate. All big ticks. The Graphene is also sweet on the skin so there’s another plus for the plums. You can’t really fault the Billabong Furnace wetsuit in this area so I won’t.
A rock solid 9.5 out of 10.
Flexy like a teenager’s knee joints. You can snap, crackle and pop in the Billabong Furnace wetsuit and still have more give in the bowl. The liquid tape on this is ultra precise, meaning it doesn’t resist stretch at all, plus the partly-recycled jersey is soft, light and fancy free. A proper dream to surf in, this is definitely one of the most flexible wetsuits we tested this year.
9/10 fly kicks to the sky here.
Like a hot chocolate on winter’s morning delivered at perfect drinking temperate. You know what I’m saying, Golidlocks. Given how flexible this suit is, it’s pretty gobsmacking how much warmth it retains as well. You’d be loving it through mid-winter Syndey, South West Oz and anything warmer. I can imagine a few hardened Victorian’s toughing out a winter in this with accessories to help too. The only drawback is slightly leaky leg seams, especially at the knees. Not huge, but even small drips can dampen your spirits.
Still, we’ve averaged this at a 8.5 out of 10.
Top performance, top warmth, some eco considerations thrown in. You’re getting all of that for $600 which ain’t too damn bad. Throw in Billabong’s strong brand rep and warranty and it’s good value. Those who want champagne on a beer budget will likely look elsewhere, but those happy to lay down hard earned cash for well-designed gear will pop the cork no worries.
8.5 of 10.
Tim Said:
“One of the best wetsuits on the market at balancing flex, warmth and price. For the round of suits we tested this year it was definitely top two, for me on par with the Rip Curl Heat Seeker. Once you factor in that it’s $150 cheaper at retail and it’s probably top of the wozza overall. Not quite as warm as the Heat Seeker but a smigeon flexier. For the vast majority of Oz, both Sydney North and WA, the Billabong Furnace Comp has to be the suit of choice. Break out the good China and spoil yourself. This is primo porcelain.”
Jimmy said:
Lincoln said:
“The fit, the feeling of the rubber, the seams. There’s a lot I love about this suit, it’s too hot for me on the Gold Coast but you could push thru Vicco winters with boots. Meaning it’s perfect for Sydney. While the Heat Seeker might be warmer, I feel like the Furnace Comp is a bit more flexible and for $150 less. Well worth a look if you’re window shopping.”
— —- —
Note: overall scores are an average of the 3 surfers who tested the suits, rounded to the closest half a point. Most comments are from the perspective of Tim, with added verdict spiels from Lincoln and Jimmy (from Lipped).
Overall Rating
- Flex is WOW
- Warm to boot
- Excellent fit
- You’re still paying $600 for what you get. Not bad, but not amazing.
If you’ve got $600 Australian spare and we’ve convinced to get an Billabong Furnace Comp Suit, then hit the below links and spend up.
Buy an Billabong Furnace Comp Steamer from :
⋅ Billabong Australia
⋅ Billabong Stockists
Alternatively, we’ve pulled together some Winter Wetsuit Buyers Guides if you’re still a little undecided on what to buy:
*Above $550
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If you’re driving, or reading isn’t your thing, then hit the below episode of Lipped where we talk all things wetsuits 2022.
If you want to stay warm, stay flexi and potentially look after the world around us then this is a must listen.