More stats, more graphs, anyone could be forgiven we’re more of a data driven site then an actual surf site talking about surf products like we initially envisioned (there’s a bunch of board reviews coming shortly, and winter wetsuits too). But in the meantime, hit up this infograph about the surf sites you read every day.

Why did we do this? 
To be completely honest, I got sick of reading about Chas talking up a storm at how big Beach Grit is and it got me interested in digging a little deeper to see if their numbers really stack up (the traffic ones do, everything else doesn’t). That, and I like doing nerd stuff like this…

Where’d we get the info from? 
Given that Beach Grit continually used Similar Web when gloating, we figured we’d use that as well. It gives all sites an equal footing/benchmark to be measured against. That, and using their Facebook and Instagram numbers as well.

The outcomes?
Some interesting stats popped up. The conversions from Facebook for social traffic, yet everyone focuses on Instagram. The time on site and pages per visit were also interesting to me, mainly because it showed if high level traffic numbers actually meant anything.

Also, some sites you visit aren’t included here – Tracks, What Youth, Surfing Life, mySurfTV, etc – that’s mainly because their traffic doesn’t register on SimilarWeb (read, too small) and so we can’t access their data. If anyone from those sites want to shares their data, by all means let me know and I’ll rework the graph 🙂